Meet our Superstars - Justine
Every month we'll introduce a member of the Houston & Hawkes team so you can get to know more about the hospitality superstars within our family.
Justine, Chef Manager Superstar
Last month we launched our ‘Meet our Superstars’ feature to give you an insight into the amazing and essential people that keep the well-oiled machine that is Houston & Hawkes in fully working order.
In October you were introduced to Ops legend, Miles - the article is on the website if you haven’t read it yet.
This month we are heading back of house to meet one of our awesome chefs, Justine. At the helm of one of our kitchens, Justine took some time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for us.
Q. What has been your career highlight?
A. Working in London was definitely a career highlight for me as I was lucky enough to work in some amazing venues, for example The Mansion House, which is the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London. While I was there, we catered for some amazing events, from guest packed white tie banquets to private dinners for the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. While I lived centrally, I was also lucky enough to work at Kensington Palace, Hampton Court Palace and many other stunning venues.
Q. What is your favourite food?
A. My Favourite food has to be Beef Wellington, when its cooked perfectly you just can't beat it! F.Y.I, I also make a mean Beetroot Wellington.
Q. Name 3 people you would have dinner with? (They could be past or present):
A. I'd love a dinner party with Frieda Kahlo, Hunter S. Thompson and Bjork, it would be brilliant! Can you imagine the conversation?
Q. What is your guilty pleasure?
A. I really enjoy going to bed early and binge-watching reality TV in bed.
Q. What's your go-to comfort food?
A. My ultimate comfort food is a roast chicken with crispy potatoes, beans, asparagus and gravy. Nothing shouts cosy night in like a roast chicken dinner.
A superstar indeed. Thank you Justine.